Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sleep Medication Dangerous For Health

When the body feels tired, we would expect to sleep. Unfortunately, not everyone can just sleep easy. For them, apparently sleeping pills comparable to a night's rest. However, be aware that studies have linked consumption of sleeping pills harm in the long run.
Sleeping pills did not just make a deep sleep. Dr. Genevieve Belleville study from Canada showed that those who used sleeping pills drank three or more tablets have a risk of early death than people who do not take sleeping pills. Another impact of the use of sleeping pills is a chronic health disorders, such as alcohol or cigarettes, as well as the possible cause of depression.
Side effects of sleeping pills are attracted the attention of researchers because many OTC sleeping pills. In the UK, an estimated 10 million sleeping pills are prescribed every year. Sleeping pills that can counter antihistamines that usually contain high, as is commonly prescribed by doctors, such as Valium.
The case is considered crucial. Therefore, the researchers did not differentiate between the users of sleeping pills weight scale and those who occasionally use them. "These drugs are not candy and can bring them in danger,"
Based on research for 12 years and analyze the data more than 12,000 in Canada, Dr. Belleville stated that the death rate significantly higher for users as well as sleeping pills, and those taking medication to reduce anxiety.
After taking into account levels of alcohol and tobacco on physical health, physical activity, and depression, Dr Belleville found that existing sleeping pills may increase 36 percent risk of death. "They are also more susceptible to any kind of disease from parasites to cancer,"
Other findings of the side effects of sleeping pills also can not be easy. "Sleeping pills and anti-anxiety effect on reaction time and coordination so as to make it easier one falls and accidents,"
For those who have problems with heart, Belleville found that sleeping pills can depress the respiratory system that will aggravate breathing problems during sleep. "These drugs are also working on the central nervous system that affects judgment and mood. There is a danger of these drugs increase the risk of suicide,"
He said, cognitive behavioral therapy has shown good results in treating insomnia and anxiety. Therefore, the physician can discuss these therapies with their patients systematically as an option. "Combining a pharmacological approach in the short term with psychological treatment is a promising strategy to reduce anxiety and promote sleep,"


  1. nice article. usefull for healthy life

  2. wow, great information, very useful

  3. Hello bro!!! great info keep that!!

  4. hello buddy, nice info..
    im support you :)

  5. great article, happy blogging, keep fight always :)


  7. living beings definitely need enough rest to stay fresh

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  10. Hello my friend.
    Good Tuesday to the sun.
