Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer Killer Many Women
Cervical cancer or cervical cancer (also called cervical cancer) is cancer that strikes women and the number of patients increased in recent years. Of all cancer patients in Indonesia, a third of patients with cervical cancer. Cancer is indeed a fearsome killer of women. Obtain information about cancer can help more women avoid one of the most deadly diseases.

 Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer or cervical cancer (also called cervical cancer) is one of the diseases the most common cancers for women. Every hour, one woman in Indonesia died of cervical cancer or cervical cancer. The fact is that millions of women in the world are infected with HPV, which is considered a disease through sexual intercourse is most prevalent in the world.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this infection is a major risk factor for cervical cancer. Every year, hundreds of thousands of undiagnosed cases of HPV in the world and thousands of women die of cervical cancer, caused by the infection. Given the fact that this horrible, then the various preventive measures and treatment have been made to cope with cervical cancer or cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer occur in the reproductive organs of a woman. The cervix is the narrow part at the bottom between the vagina and uterus of a woman. In part this is happening and the growth of cervical cancer. What causes cervical cancer or cervical cancer? How do I prevent it? As well as how to handle it if it is infected with HPV?

Cervical cancer is caused by infection with HPV (human papillomavirus) or human papilloma virus. HPV cause warts in men and women, including genital warts, called condyloma akuminatum. Only a few of the hundreds of variants of HPV that can cause cancer. Cervical cancer or cervical cancer can occur if the infection does not heal for a long time. In contrast, most HPV infections will go away, overcome by the immune system.

 Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Attack the cervical cancer or cervical area of ​​the cervix caused by HPV infection (human papillomavirus) that do not heal for a long time. If the immune system decreases, the HPV infection will mengganas and can lead to cervical cancer. Symptoms did not appear at an early stage, that is why cervical cancer that starts from HPV infection is considered as "The Silent Killer".Some symptoms can be observed although not always an indication of HPV infection. Whitish or spend a little blood after intercourse is little sign of symptoms of this cancer. In addition, a yellowish liquid that smells in the genital area can also be an indication of HPV infection. The virus can be transmitted from one patient to another and infect that person. Transmission can be through direct contact and because of sex.When there is a virus in a person's hand, then touching the genital area, the virus will move and can infect the cervix or neck of your womb. Another mode of transmission is in the closet in a public restroom that has been contaminated by the virus. A cancer patient may be using the closet, which contained HPV virus in people moving into the closet. When you use it without cleaning, the virus could then move into your genital area.Bad lifestyle can be a supporting the increasing number of patients with this cancer. Smoking habit, consumes less vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acid may be the cause. If you eat nutritious foods will make the immune system can drive up and HPV virus.Risk of cervical cancer are women who are sexually active from a very early age, who frequently change sex partners, or who have sex with a man who changed partner. Another causative factor is the Pill for a long time or come from families who have a history of cancer.Often times, the man who showed no symptoms of HPV infection that is spread to their partners. A man who had sex with a woman suffering from cervical cancer, will be the carrier of this virus. Furthermore, when this man having sex with his wife, the virus was able to move his wife and it infects.
Detection of Cervical Cancer

How do I detect that a woman infected with HPV that cause cervical cancer? Symptoms of a person infected with HPV are not visible and not easily observable. The easiest way to find out by cytological examination of the cervix. This examination is currently popular with a Pap smear or Papanicolaou smear taken from a Greek doctor who invented this method of George N. Papanicolaou. However, there are also various other methods for early detection of HPV infection and cervical cancer as follows:• IVAIVA is the abbreviation of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid. Method of examination with cervical smear or cervix with acetic acid. Then observed for any abnormalities such as white areas. If no color change, it may be no infection of the cervix. You can do at the health center with a relatively cheap price. This can be done only for early detection. If it looks suspicious signs, then the other detection methods are further to be done.• Pap smearPap smear test method is generally the doctors use a scraper or brush to remove a small sample of cervical cells or cervical. Then the cells will be analyzed in the laboratory. The test can reveal whether there is infection, inflammation, or abnormal cells. According to the world, with regular Pap smear tests have reduced the number of deaths from cervical cancer.• Thin prepThin prep method is more accurate than the Pap smear. If the Pap smear is only taking a portion of the cells in the cervix or uterus, the Thin prep will examine all parts of the cervix or uterus. Of course the result will be far more accurate and precise.• ColposcopyIf all the test results on the previous method showed the presence of infection or irregularities, colposcopy procedure will be done using a tool equipped with a magnifying lens to observe the infected part. The goal is to determine whether there are lesions or abnormal tissue in the cervix or uterus. If there is abnormal, a biopsy - taking a small amount of tissue from the body - made and treatment for cervical cancer begin.
Treating Cervical CancerIf infected with HPV, do not worry, because the currently available range of treatments that can control HPV infection. Some treatments aim to kill the cells containing the HPV virus. Another way is to get rid of the damaged or infected with electric surgery, laser surgery, or cryosurgery (remove the abnormal tissue by freezing).If cervical cancer has reached an advanced stage, it will do chemo therapy. In some severe cases may also do a hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus or womb in total. The goal is to get rid of cervical cancer cells that have been developed in the body.However, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, how to prevent infection with HPV and cervical cancer? Here are some ways you can do to prevent cervical cancer.

 Preventing Cervical Cancer
Although cervical cancer is scary, but we can all prevent it. You can do a lot of precautions before infected with HPV and ultimately cervical cancer. Some practical ways you can do in everyday life include:
Have a healthy diet, rich in vegetables, fruit and cereal to stimulate the immune system. For example, eating a variety of carotene, vitamin A, C, and E, and folic acid can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
Avoid smoking. Much evidence suggests the use of tobacco may increase the risk of cervical cancer.
Avoid sex before marriage or at the very young or teenage years.
Avoid having sex during menstrual period proved to be effective to prevent and inhibit the formation and development of cervical cancer.
Avoid having sex with many partners.
• Regularly undergo regular Pap smear tests. Current Pap smear can be done even at the health center at an affordable price.
Alternative Pap smear is a test IVA with a cheaper cost of the Pap smear. The goal for the early detection of HPV infection.
Giving the HPV vaccine or vaccination to prevent HPV infection.
Conduct an intimate organs or vagina known as a toilet. This can be done alone or can be also with the help of a specialist. The goal is to clean the female sex organs of dirt and disease